Host Hi.

So busy today, you have no idea, but needed to update for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the fact that I shirked my DS4 duties this week. And here's why.

I feel like my life has turned into a series of newspaper headlines. Crisis at AlternaHouse; Everyone goes Bipolar Ballistic! Film at 11!

The Readers Digest version is this:

Katherine thinks SpongeBob is real, and will not listen to reason. She has been having huge, two year old temper tantrums which including screaming, jumping up and down and crying, while sucking her thumb and yelling "La la, nani, goochie, poopie".

Domenic is scared I'm going to die, and cries at the drop of a hat.

Michael is upset and depressed over the lack of job offers. And I am of course obligated to listen and be supportive and nurturing.

I have spent every single day this week in either the therapist's office or the psychiatrist's office, somedays we've been to both.

I didn't write an IC this week because by Sunday night all hell had broken loose and my children were in Full Freak Out Mode.

If this gets me kicked out, so be it.

The housework has backed up, there's a million loads of laundry to take care of, and I have my own appointment with the Shrinky Dink today.
