Host Okay, I feel compelled to tell anyone wondering that some things are fiction, and that I have never poisoned fish with Clorox or any other chemical product.

Also, about feminism, it's not that I don't identify per se, it's that I think the modern incarnation of feminism has no use for me or any woman who chooses not to work outside the home. Feminism as a business does not like women whose choices do not include the trappings of modern American life: college, a career, etc. Feminism seems to view motherhood as a sideline only and certainly not worthy of a woman's full attention, it regards homemaking as less important than, for example, pursuing a career in biochemistry. To feminism, pursuing full time motherhood is seen as a step backward, archaic, and somehow foisted upon women without their consent.

I take issue with that.

Feminism as an ideal, the ideal that women are as capable as men in a given situation, that we deserve respect and equal treatment, that a woman should be free to choose for herself how she will live her life, hell yeah I'm all for that. Feminists in general: yep, know 'em and love 'em. But feminism as an organization, exemplified by groups like NOW, well, they don't usually like the things people like me have to say. That motherhood is important, that children deserve a full time parent, that infants in daycare 50 hours a week is just heartbreaking. Feminism is used as a defense for women who leave their infants in vans in the middle of summer because they "forgot" to drop them off at daycare.

Ann Pleshette Murphy, ABCNEWS' parenting contributor said on Good Morning America: "'Those are some of the questions, but this tragedy does strike you to the core because if you are the kind of parent that many women are these days, you can see yourself in a situation where something like this could happen," added. "It is almost unbelievable, but at the same time there is this little bit of, 'Oh my God, I've been in a situation like this.'" (WTF?!)

I have no desire to label myself a feminist because to do so, in my book, would be to endorse the idea that the only choice a woman can make that's worth respecting is full time paid employment on a corporate level. I think feminism has swung the other way and instead of respecting the choices of all women, it seems to only validate the choices of a few.

Of course, as with everything in my life right now, this view is evolving.

I have aspirations, I want more out of my life than I have now, what woman doesn't? I want to set a good example for my daughter (who thinks it's just scandalous that her mother doesn't have a college degree) and I want have a life for myself of my own choosing. I will. I just didn't want it ten years ago, or even five years ago.

At any rate, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

Now, if you'll excuse me I have to go fetch my husband's slippers and cook breakfast. ;)